Microblading Guide NYC


For potential clients unfamiliar with microblading, or simply seeking a more comprehensive understanding, we've curated this basic guide alongside a series of more detailed articles. Our aim is to equip you with all the necessary information, from preparing for a microblading appointment to ensuring the longevity and care of your newly defined brows. Dive in to become well-informed and confident in your microblading decisions.

What is Microblading?

Microblading is an advanced form of permanent makeup that has gained immense popularity for its ability to enhance eyebrows with remarkably natural-looking results. During the microblading procedure, a skilled technician uses a handheld microblade tool to manually deposit specialized pigments into the upper layers of the skin. With meticulous precision, they create individual hair-like strokes that closely resemble natural eyebrow hairs, resulting in fuller, well-defined brows.

This technique is particularly beneficial for individuals who have experienced hair loss or have thinning eyebrows due to factors such as overplucking, medical conditions, or the natural aging process. Microblading offers a transformative solution, restoring the appearance of eyebrows and providing a confidence-boosting effect for those seeking a more defined and youthful look.

The Microblading Process

Preparation for Your Microblading Appointment

To ensure the best possible outcome for your microblading procedure, it's important to follow a few preparation steps before your appointment:

  • Avoid plucking, waxing, or threading your eyebrows at least one week prior to the procedure to allow your technician to work with your natural hair growth.
  • Refrain from taking blood-thinning medications and pain relievers, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, for three days before your appointment to minimize the risk of bleeding. Also, avoid any supplements with blood-thinning properties, such as fish oil, niacin, vitamin E, etc. However, if you are taking any of these under the direction of a medical provider, consult with them first before stopping.
  • Avoid using any retinol or exfoliating products on your brow area in the days leading up to the appointment.
  • Limit your intake of alcohol, cannabis, and CBD products within 24 hours of your appointment, as these substances can have blood-thinning effects and may lead to increased bleeding or adverse reactions during the procedure.
  • You may come to your appointment wearing your regular eye makeup.

Consultation and Design

Before embarking on your microblading journey, we prioritize a thorough consultation to ensure your desired outcome is achieved. Our artist/technician will assess your facial structure and natural brow shape. They will also discuss your expectations and preferences. This assessment will happen during the initial phase. Taking into account your unique features, we will work together to design an eyebrow shape and style that perfectly complements your face, enhancing your natural beauty.

Numbing and Prepping

To ensure your comfort throughout the procedure, a topical numbing cream will be applied to the brow area, minimizing any potential discomfort. Once the numbing has taken effect, our technician will clean and sanitize the skin, preparing it for the microblading process. We prioritize hygiene and sterilization, ensuring a safe and hygienic environment for every client.

Microblading Technique

Using a specialized microblade tool, our artist/technician will begin meticulously creating individual hair-like strokes, following the design agreed upon during the consultation. The strokes are delicately etched into the skin, carefully layering the pigment to achieve a natural and three-dimensional appearance. Throughout the process, our artist will constantly assess and adjust the color and shape to ensure optimal results.

Benefits of Microblading

Microblading offers numerous benefits that make it a highly sought-after choice for brow enhancement. Let's explore some of these advantages:

  1. Natural and Realistic Results: Microblading is renowned for its ability to create incredibly natural-looking eyebrows. The precise hair-like strokes mimic the appearance of real eyebrow hairs, resulting in brows that are indistinguishable from natural ones. This technique allows for customized shaping and optional shading, ensuring that the final results complement your unique features.
  2. Time-Saving: With microblading, you can say goodbye to the daily hassle of filling in your brows with makeup products. The semi-permanent nature of microblading means that once the procedure is done, you'll wake up every morning with beautifully defined brows, saving you precious time in your daily beauty routine.
  3. Long-Lasting Results: While microblading is considered a semi-permanent procedure, the results, which will fade gradually over time, can look good for anywhere from one to three years, depending on individual factors such as skin type and lifestyle. This longevity allows you to enjoy beautifully shaped and defined brows for an extended period, reducing the need for frequent touch-ups. It is important to now that even thought the results can look good for 1-3 years, this does not mean that it will not be gradually fading throughout that time period (i.e. it will likely appear a bit lighter 6 months after the treatment was done versus how it looked a month afterwards).
  4. Customization: Microblading allows for a high level of customization. During the consultation process, your technician will work with you to design the perfect shape, color, and thickness of your eyebrows, taking into account your unique facial features and preferences. This personalized approach ensures that the end result is tailored specifically to you.
  5. Confidence Boost: Well-defined eyebrows can have a significant impact on your overall appearance and self-confidence. Microblading can help transform sparse, uneven, or overplucked brows into perfectly shaped arches, enhancing your natural beauty and boosting your confidence. You'll no longer have to worry about smudging or fading eyebrow makeup, as microbladed brows stay intact throughout the day.

Understanding the Terminology and Permanent vs. Semi-Permanent Distinction in Microblading

The process of implementing pigment into the papillary layer of the dermis is known by various names, such as permanent makeup, semi-permanent makeup, cosmetic tattooing, and micropigmentation. Artists may use different terminology for the same procedures due to cultural influences, artistic expression, and marketing strategies, leading to potential confusion.

Regulations for cosmetic tattooing differ across states in the U.S. and also vary between countries. In the United States, from a health department standpoint, all treatments are considered permanent.

While some refer to microblading as “semi-permanent makeup” because the colorants eventually fade, there is no conclusive, consistent, and reliable proof that the pigments, colors, and/or dies will be completely eliminated from the dermal and epidermal layers of skin. For this reason we at Ellebrow feel that it is best and proper to to typically use the term "permanent makeup" so as to not be misleading.

Choosing the Right Microblading Artist

When it comes to choosing a microblading artist, it's essential to consider their experience, skill level, and portfolio. Since there is really a lack of any standardized certification or proficiency requirements in the industry or in most localities, evaluating an artist's expertise becomes vital in ensuring quality results. Here are some key factors to consider:

Experience and Specialization: Look for an artist who specializes in microblading and has a considerable amount of experience specifically in eyebrow enhancement. Experience helps develop the necessary skills and expertise required for precise and natural-looking results. Consider artists who have a proven track record and a solid reputation within the industry.

Microblading Portfolio and Before/After Photos: A reputable microblading artist should have a comprehensive portfolio showcasing their previous work. Make sure to see before and after photos of clients who have undergone microblading. This will give you a visual representation of the artist's style, technique, and the level of precision they can achieve.

Healed Microblading Photos: Viewing healed results photos to assess the long-term outcome, including factors such as color retention, stroke definition, and overall appearance. Examining healed results provides valuable insight into the microblading artist's technical skills.

Transparency: An ethical and experienced microblading artist should be completely truthful when evaluating the candidacy of potential clients based on their skin type suitability for microblading.

Referrals and Recommendations: Seek referrals and recommendations from trusted sources, such as friends, family, or beauty professionals. Their firsthand experiences and positive testimonials can guide you towards reliable microblading artists.

Client Testimonials and Reviews: Research client testimonials and reviews about the artist you are considering. Online platforms, social media, and review websites often provide insights into the experiences of previous clients.  Look specifically for reviews about microblading by the particular artist that you are considering. Pay attention to feedback regarding the artist's professionalism, hygiene practices, and the satisfaction of clients with their microbladed eyebrows.

Consultation and Communication: Consider scheduling a consultation with the artist before committing to the procedure. This will give you an opportunity to discuss your expectations, ask questions, and gauge their knowledge and understanding of microblading.

Sanitation and Safety Measures: Ensuring the artist maintains a clean and safe working environment is of utmost importance. Inquire about their sanitation practices, sterilization techniques, and the use of disposable and single-use tools.

Cost and Pricing Structure: Consider the cost and pricing structure of the artist's services. While it's important to stay within your budget, remember that quality results are worth the investment. Beware of significantly low prices as they may indicate a lack of experience or compromised safety measures.

Licensing and Insurance: For additional peace of mind, ensure that the microblading artist is licensed and insured in your state. Licensing requirements vary widely from state to state, and in some cases, they may be as easy to obtain as a driving license. However, the previous considerations are crucial in trusting someone with your face.

By carefully considering these factors when choosing a microblading artist, you can make an informed decision that leads to satisfactory results for your eyebrow enhancement. For an even more about this, please see our comprehensive article by clicking here: Choosing the Right Microblading Artist: Expert, Insider Tips and Considerations.

Aftercare Tips

Proper aftercare is crucial for achieving the best possible results and prolonging the longevity of your microbladed eyebrows. Here are some essential aftercare tips to follow:

  1. Avoid touching your brows: During the initial healing period, it is important to keep your brows clean and as sterile as possible to avoid infection. Only clean water should touch your brows. Apply the provided ointment as directed only with fresh washed hands or a Q-tip.
  2. Gentle cleansing: After the initial healing period, gently cleanse the brow area with a mild, non-abrasive cleanser to remove any buildup or debris. Pat the area dry with a clean, soft towel.
  3. Moisturize: Keeping the brow area moisturized is essential for proper healing. Apply a thin layer of the recommended aftercare ointment or cream provided by your technician to keep the skin nourished and prevent excessive dryness.
  4. Avoid picking or scratching: It is important to resist the temptation to pick or scratch the healing brows, as this can disrupt the healing process and affect the final outcome.
  5. Adjust your sleep position: While your brows are healing and until most of the scabbing has flaked away, avoid sleeping on your face, especially during the first few days. It's recommended to sleep on your back for optimal healing. For added comfort, some people find travel pillows to be helpful. If you find it challenging to avoid sleeping on your side, you can use bandaids to protect the tails of your eyebrows. Ensure that the adhesive portion of the bandaid is not placed directly on the eyebrows themselves.
  6. Refrain fromactivities such as swimming, saunas for the first ten days and avoid excessive sweating during the first five to seven days.
  7. Protect from sun exposure: During the first ten days after microblading, prolonged sun-exposure must be avoided. Direct sunlight and tanning beds can fade the pigment and alter the color of your microbladed eyebrows. Wear a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors to shield your brows from harmful UV rays.

Remember, each individual's healing process may vary, so it's important to consult with your technician and follow their specific aftercare instructions.

Contraindications for Microblading

While microblading is a safe and effective procedure for most individuals, there are certain contraindications that may prevent someone from undergoing the treatment. These include pregnant or nursing women, individuals with certain skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis in the brow area, those with active infections or open wounds on the brow area, persons who have take Accutane within the past 12 months, and individuals who are prone to keloid scarring.

It's important to disclose any relevant medical conditions, allergies, or medications you are taking during your consultation to ensure the procedure can be performed safely. Certain medical conditions such as diabetes or active cancers will require medical clearance from a healthcare provider prior to receiving microblading. Of course microblading artists cannot provide medical advice, so if you have any medical concerns whatsoever you should consult with your healthcare provider first.


Microblading is a highly effective and popular technique for achieving beautifully shaped and natural-looking eyebrows. Its ability to create precise hair-like strokes and long-lasting results has made it a go-to option for many individuals seeking brow enhancement. By following proper aftercare instructions and maintaining regular touch-up sessions, you can enjoy stunning microbladed brows that enhance your facial features and boost your confidence for years to come.

At Ellebrow Microblading NYC, we pride ourselves on our expertise in microblading, ensuring that each client receives a personalized and exceptional experience. Say goodbye to sparse, undefined brows and embrace the artistry of microblading to unlock your true beauty potential.

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