After Your Lip Blushing Appointment

After Your Lip Blushing Appointment at Ellebrow NYC

Maintaining the Radiance of Your Newly Blushed Lips: Lip Blushing Aftercare

After reveling in the subtle yet impactful allure of Ellebrow's lip blushing in NYC, ensuring the enduring charm and vibrancy of your freshly blushed lips is essential. A significant facet in realizing and retaining those captivating results is nestled in the aftercare. Let's delve into the principal steps to cherishing your new lips.

The First Day

The initial 24 hours are pivotal. At your appointment, we will provide aftercare instructions and all that you will require for optimal healing. Your new lips will may be a bit swollen and exhibit a lovely but bright hue for the initial 1-2 days. During the initial few days of healing, it is vital to take care and steps to avoid a potential infection of your healing lips. Here are some crucial steps to adhere to during the first 24 hours:

Abstain from Alcohol and Smoking

It's crucial to avoid alcohol and smoking as they can hinder the healing process and potentially affect the results of your lip blushing procedure.

Lip Massage and Wiping

  • Every 2-3 hours, gently massage your lips for 1-2 minutes, and then wipe them gently. It's essential to either do this with a clean Q-tip or gloved hands to maintain cleanliness and sterility. Wearing new clean gloves is also an option to ensure utmost hygiene.
  • If lymph appears on your lips, gently wipe it off with clean cotton pads and reapply healing ointment/cream.

Lip Swelling

  • You may experience some lip swelling during the first 1-2 days. Antihistamines, if approved by your healthcare provider, may help reduce swelling.

Before Bedtime

Before sleeping, cleanse your lips with clean water and apply a light coating of Vaseline.

Days 1 to 7

Clean with Consideration

Cleanse and wipe the lips using a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser to rid of any residual debris or residue. Be sure the lips are clear of any residue when finished. Always pat dry with a clean disposable  wipe or napkin to preserve the integrity of the lip area. Follow with thin coat of Vaseline or provided aftercare ointment.

Moisturize Mindfully

Don't allow your lips to dry out. Moisture is the quintessence of healing. Dab on a minimal amount of the technician-recommended aftercare ointment or cream to keep the skin pliable and ward off unwanted dryness. Just a thin film is needed, especially if your skin leans towards the oilier spectrum, but do not permit your skin to dry out. Balance is key here-don't let your lips get too dry but don't overdo it with the ointment!

Rinse After Eating

After each meal and every time you eat anything, carefully rinse your lips with clean water to remove any food residue, ensuring your healing lips remain free from contaminants. This practice is essential for maintaining the area's cleanliness and avoiding potential infections. Follow with  thin coat of Vaseline or provided aftercare ointment.

Refrain from Using Mouthwash and Brush Like a Kid Again

To minimize irritation during the initial healing phase, completely avoid using mouthwash. For brushing your teeth, children's toothpaste is recommended as an alternative to regular toothpaste due to its gentler formula, making it more suitable for your healing lips.

Eat and Drink Appropriately

Avoid overly hot drinks and foods. Stay away from spicy or fermented foods.

Bite Your Tongue, But Spare Your Lips

Give your tongue a rest and keep it from going on a lip expedition. Biting's off the menu too—think of it as keeping your culinary critiques strictly to actual food.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated and naturally help avoid the lips from drying out.

Resist the Itch

Healing can occasionally instigate itchiness, but scratching or picking at your lips is a strict no-no. Such actions can disrupt the healing timeline and endanger the final appearance of your lips. Allow any scabbing that forms to fall off on its own.

Sleep Sensibly

During the very earliest stages of healing, until the scabbing naturally sloughs off, it's prudent to snooze on your back if possible.

Stay Vigilant: Be on the Lookout for Cold Sores and Signs of Infection

Maintaining vigilance for any signs of cold sores or infection is critical during the healing process. Be alert to symptoms such as unusual swelling, persistent redness, warmth around the treated area, pus or discharge, and the development of cold sores. If there was initial swelling, it typically resolves within 72 hours. Should you notice any of these signs, especially if they persist or worsen, it's important to seek advice from a healthcare professional promptly. Early detection and treatment are key to preventing complications, ensuring your healing journey remains on the right track.

Throughout the First Ten Days

Hands Off the Lips

During the inaugural healing phase, it's imperative to uphold the cleanliness of the lip area to avert potential infections. Abstain from touching your lips except when applying the provided aftercare ointment. Even then, always ascertain your hands are freshly washed or use a Q-tip.

While infections are very rare, if you discern any indications of a potential infection or if anything seems amiss, contact us or your healthcare provider immediately.

Say No to Certain Activities

Abstain From

  • During the initial ten days post-procedure, avoid activities like swimming, sunbathing or spending time in saunas and steam rooms. Such activities can hinder the healing process and undermine the lip pigment's integrity.

Curtail Excessive Sweating

  • For the first five to seven days, curtail activities that lead to excessive sweating or prolonged exposure to hot environments. Sweat contains salt which can potentially jeopardize the newly applied lip pigment and obstruct optimal healing. Especially in the initial few days when the lip blushing is fresh, limiting sweat is vital to minimize infection risks.

Cherish Your New Lips

In the days succeeding your session at Ellebrow, a touch of extra care goes a long way. For the first ten days, it's vital to curb the urge to apply makeup or use skincare products on your lips. This aids in averting any risk of infection and ensures the newly-applied pigment settles just as it should. When it comes to cleansing, a gentle touch with water is best, but be cautious not to submerge them.

Sun Safeguard

The first ten days post-lip blushing are crucial for dodging prolonged sun exposure. UV rays, whether emanating from natural sunlight or tanning beds, can cause the pigment to fade and the color to alter. Equip yourself with a wide-brimmed hat when venturing out to shield your lips from potential sun damage.

Pucker Up for Patience: Hold the Kisses

While your lips are on the mend, it's wise to save your smooches for later—consider it a rain check for romance.

Everyone's healing journey is unique. Always maintain communication with us and heed our tailored aftercare advice for optimal results with your blushed lips.

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